This game works best when played with couples who have been together a long time, but anyone with enough passion can participate.
Materials Needed:
Playing time on this one of the best party games for adults can be 45 to 60 minutes.
How to Play:
1. Divide the players into two teams, preferably men versus women.
2. Give each team ten index cards, and have them write down a point of contention between the sexes. For example, the men might write, "Women should take out the garbage, not men. "The women might write, "Men should put the toilet seat down as a common courtesy."
3. Have the two teams sit opposite each other.
4. Shuffle Team 1's cards and place them in a pile. Do the same for Team 2's cards.
5. Have Player 1 from Team 1 pick a card from Team 2's pile and read the topic aloud. That player gets thirty seconds to argue his or her side.
6. When Player 1 is finished, have the group rate the argument on a scale of one to ten, ten being a good argument, one being poor. If the majority agrees that the argument was good, Player 1 gets a point.
7. Continue until every player has had a turn. Make up new topics if you don't have enough, or use the topics more than once.
8. Award a prize to the player with the most points. If there is a tie, have the tying players argue a point against each other, and have the group award points for the best argument.
Read the topic question, and have everyone write a short argument for or against it. Then have them all read their statements, and vote for the best defense. Or divide the teams based on age or political beliefs.
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Materials Needed:
- 20 index cards
- Pencils, 1 for each player
Playing time on this one of the best party games for adults can be 45 to 60 minutes.
How to Play:
1. Divide the players into two teams, preferably men versus women.
2. Give each team ten index cards, and have them write down a point of contention between the sexes. For example, the men might write, "Women should take out the garbage, not men. "The women might write, "Men should put the toilet seat down as a common courtesy."
3. Have the two teams sit opposite each other.
4. Shuffle Team 1's cards and place them in a pile. Do the same for Team 2's cards.
5. Have Player 1 from Team 1 pick a card from Team 2's pile and read the topic aloud. That player gets thirty seconds to argue his or her side.
6. When Player 1 is finished, have the group rate the argument on a scale of one to ten, ten being a good argument, one being poor. If the majority agrees that the argument was good, Player 1 gets a point.
7. Continue until every player has had a turn. Make up new topics if you don't have enough, or use the topics more than once.
8. Award a prize to the player with the most points. If there is a tie, have the tying players argue a point against each other, and have the group award points for the best argument.
Read the topic question, and have everyone write a short argument for or against it. Then have them all read their statements, and vote for the best defense. Or divide the teams based on age or political beliefs.
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